Non-Pro Eligibility Guidelines
Who is Eligble to Participate as a Non-Pro?
- A Non-Pro must be 19 years of age or older (or married and ineligible for the ApHC Youth Association program as of January 1 of the year showing).
- Any horse exhibited by a non-pro in non-pro events must be wholly owned by the non-pro exhibitor or the non-pro’s spouse, child, step-child, legal ward, father, mother, step-parent, sister, brother, grandparent, grandchild or legal guardian.
- Non-Pro’s must not accept remuneration (money, prizes, etc.) for riding, driving, showing in halter, schooling, training, conducting clinics or seminars, instructing in equitation or showmanship classes, horse training, or judging.
- Non-Pro’s must not accept remuneration in the form of payment of entry fees, or any expenses for the person or horse with which the Non-Pro competes by any person other than those family members listed above.
- Non-Pro’s must not ride, drive, or show any horse for which he/she or a family member accepts remuneration for boarding or training.
- Non-Pro’s must have a current Non-Pro membership with the ApHC and must be a current ApHC member.
Non-Pro membership shall not be affected by the writing of books or articles pertaining to horses, accepting payment for stewarding, or having the occupation of veterinarian, farrier, or owning a tack shop, breeding or boarding stable.