Affiliate Requirement
Requirements for International Affiliate Status
In accordance with rule 400.H (Document #4), to retain International Affiliation, each Affiliate must submit annually:
1. A list of all directors, officers and committee chairpersons signed by the President or Secretary. A complete list of all members including names, addresses and ApHC membership numbers where applicable. Due February 15.
2. A complete list of all members including names, addresses and ApHC membership numbers where applicable. Due September 10.
3. Failure to comply by listed deadlines may result in loss of affiliation after notice. In connection with action on all other matters, the ApHC can disaffiliate a group for good cause.
All correspondence related to affiliation may be directed to:
Appaloosa Horse Club
2720 Pullman Road
Moscow ID 83843
(208) 882-5578
(208) 882-8150 Fax