Appaloosa Horse Club

Affiliate Requirement

Requirements for International Affiliate Status

International Affiliates must submit Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws (or other documentation accepted by that country) and a complete membership list when they are first seeking affiliation. Until recently, the ApHC required no other correspondence from these clubs, yet we allowed them to operate under the name of the ApHC. The following is what was proposed and passed at the ApHC Board of Directors meeting in July of 1999 outlining what all affiliates must agree to and submit yearly to remain a viable International Affiliate of the ApHC. To go into effect January 1, 2000. Any current and future affiliates wishing to be recognized by the ApHC must follow all ApHC rules. Any affiliates not wishing to follow ApHC rules, may not be recognized by the ApHC and shall not register horses, hold ApHC-approved shows or events, or do business in the name of the Appaloosa Horse Club.
In accordance with Rule 400.H, any group wishing to become an International Affiliate of the Appaloosa Horse Club must have on file in the ApHC office the following:
1. The affiliate’s Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws or other similar documentation accepted by the originating country. Bylaws must consist of a “purpose” which states, “to cooperate with and aid in every way possible the programs and functions of the ApHC.” Please see Document #1 for regional club’s example. 2. List of directors, officers and committee heads. Please see Document #2 for form. 3. List of members with current addresses and ApHC membership numbers when applicable. Please see Document #3 for example. 4. The affiliate’s geographic boundaries if it consists of an area other than an entire country or nation. (Note: only one affiliate is allowed per country or nation.) 5. Name, mailing address, telephone number and FAX number (if available) of secretary or agent to contact. Please be certain this information is included in Document #4.
After the above requirements have been submitted to the ApHC office, the ApHC Board of Directors will review the information at their next regularly scheduled Board meeting in March or July.

In accordance with rule 400.H (Document #4), to retain International Affiliation, each Affiliate must submit annually:

1. A list of all directors, officers and committee chairpersons signed by the President or Secretary. A complete list of all members including names, addresses and ApHC membership numbers where applicable. Due February 15.
2. A complete list of all members including names, addresses and ApHC membership numbers where applicable. Due September 10.
3. Failure to comply by listed deadlines may result in loss of affiliation after notice. In connection with action on all other matters, the ApHC can disaffiliate a group for good cause.

All correspondence related to affiliation may be directed to:
Appaloosa Horse Club
2720 Pullman Road
Moscow ID 83843
(208) 882-5578
(208) 882-8150 Fax

International Affiliate Downloads: