MOSCOW, IDAHO – The candidates for Territory I in the 2020 ApHC Board Election received the same number of votes, and therefore resulted in a tie. The candidates for Territory I are Tom Hodges of Dexter, Oregon, and Kama Urton of Circle, Montana. According to ApHC By-Law, Article IV, Section 2, Part G, in the event of a tie, a runoff election shall be held between such candidates.
The runoff election will begin December 1, 2020, at 8 a.m. PST, and will end December 15, 2020, at 8 p.m. PST. The election will be managed by the election company, Intelliscan, Inc. Eligible members residing in Territory I will receive an email and mailed postcard from Intelliscan with their member ID number and ballot control numbers.
Biographies for the two candidates can be read here:
When open, voting will be available online at the following secure site: 2020/. All votes are confidential. Members are encouraged to contact Intelliscan, Inc. with any questions regarding the election at (610) 935-6172 or at