The Appaloosa Horse Club Hall of Fame was established in 1986 to recognize the unique contributions and positive impact individual horses and people have made on the ApHC. Each year, the ApHC Board of Directors votes on nominations received from the ApHC membership to determine which horses and people will be inducted. Since 1986, the ApHC Hall of Fame has been expanded to include Racing and Trail, and now consists of over 200 inductees.
The ApHC Racing Hall of Fame, established in 1988, inducts one horse and one person each year. Nominees to the Racing Hall of Fame are voted on and approved by the Executive Race Committee. The first Trail Riders’ Hall of Fame induction was in 1999. Members of the Trail Riders’ Hall of Fame earn their inductions automatically after completing 50 ApHC-approved trail rides of 5 days or more.
Horses must be ApHC-registered and must be deceased by the nomination deadline to be eligible for nomination to the ApHC Hall of Fame and Racing Hall of Fame. However, ApHC-registered horses both living and deceased may be inducted into the ApHC Hall of Fame automatically if they achieve one of the following:
- A stallion earning a bronze Supreme Sire Production Plaque by siring 40 different bronze medallion winners, or a silver Supreme Sire Production Plaque by siring 16 different silver medallion winners, or a gold Supreme Sire Production Plaque by siring 8 different gold medallion winners.
- A mare earning a bronze Supreme Dam Production Plaque by producing 5 different bronze medallion winners, or a silver Supreme Production Plaque by producing 4 different silver medallion winners, or a gold Supreme Dam Production Plaque by producing 3 different gold medallion winners.
- A gelding earning 14 bronze medallions, or 9 silver medallions, or 2 gold medallions.
- Any horse earning a diamond medallion.
- Any ApHC-registered sire or dam of a horse earning a diamond medallion.
The deadline to nominate a horse or person to the ApHC Hall of Fame is October 31st. Nominations received after this date will be considered for the following year.