Year-End Exhibitor Awards
There are a variety of awards and recognitions youth can work toward each year including:
- High Point Youth Awards: The person earning the most national points in each of the youth events during one year is named the year’s high point youth for that event.
- Youth Achievement Roll: The person must win at least 30 points with a minimum of 10 points having been earned in each of at least two categories of performance. This is a point-accumulative award over the lifetime of the individual as a youth competitor.
- Youth Achievement Award: Fifty points are to be earned for this award, with points accumulated in five or more shows under five or more different judges. Of the 50 points, a minimum of 10 must be earned in Showmanship at Halter, a minimum of 20 in performance events, with a minimum of 10 having been earned in each of at least two categories of performance. The remaining 20 points may be earned in elective youth activity events. This is a points-accumulative award over the lifetime of the individual as a youth competitor.
- Youth Achievement Champion: To receive this award, 175 points are to be earned in a minimum of five shows under a minimum of five judges. Of the 175 points, a minimum of 35 points must be earned in Showmanship at Halter, a minimum of 70 points must be earned in performance classes, with a minimum of 18 points earned in each of three categories other than showmanship. The remaining 70 points may be won in elective youth activity events. This is a point-accumulative award over the lifetime of the individual as a youth competitor.
- Youth Superior Achievement Champion: For this award, 350 points are to be earned in a minimum of five shows under a minimum of five judges. Of the 350 points, a minimum of 105 points must be earned in Showmanship at Halter, a minimum of 140 points must be earned in performance classes, with a minimum of 35 points earned in each of three categories other than showmanship. The remaining 105 points may be won in elective youth activity events. This is an accumulative award over the lifetime of the individual as a youth competitor.
Horse Awards
AYA’s year end horse awards recognize the outstanding achievements of individual mounts in competition. The awards presented each year include:
- Youth Horse Register of Merit: Horses must earn at least 10 points in youth performance and halter classes excluding showmanship and all equitation classes. Five points must be earned under three or more judges.
- Youth Champion Horse: A horse must earn 50 points with at least 15 of these earned in halter and at least 35 points in at least three different performance classes. At least 10 of the halter points and 10 of the performance points must be earned under three or more judges.
- Youth Superior Event Horse: A horse must earn 50 points in a youth halter or performance class.
- Youth Versatility Champion Horse: A horse must earn five youth ROM’s.
- Youth Supreme Champion Horse: A horse must earn at least 100 points, with at least 30 points earned in halter classes and at least 70 points earned in performance classes. No more than 10 points can be from one performance class, and the horse must have at least one ROM in each of four categories of performance classes. A minimum of five different judges is required.