Regional Clubs
ApHC Regional Clubs
Regional clubs are local clubs across the nation that are officially recognized representatives of the Appaloosa Horse Club. They are groups of people who get together for the common purpose of riding and being involved with Appaloosas. These clubs have many interests including showing, trail riding, riding in parades, and participating in the many disciplines that the versatile Appaloosa horse can adapt to. Whether it is cattle events, reining, cutting, jumping, trail riding, or pleasure events that you’re interested in, there is a regional club near you that can assist you in becoming involved.
If you would like more information on how to start a Regional Club with the ApHC please submit a Regional Club Application. As well as read the Regional Club Handbook.
For more information, contact the ApHC Regional Club Coordinator at
(208) 882-5578 ext. 249 or
Regional Club Forms:
Important Deadlines to Remember:
It’s time to mark your calendars for annual deadlines for ApHC Chartered Regional Clubs! As a quick reminder, remember these important deadlines:
- January 31 –
Exemplary Regional Club Submissions due
- February 15 –
Regional Club Annual Report due
- August 15 – Deadline for World Show Regional Club Nomination & qualifying Results for Shows held Prior to August 1
- September 5 – Corrected/updated membership list due and Deadline for World Show Regional Club Nominations & Qualifying Results for shows held September 1 of the previous year through August 31 of the current year.
2023 World Championship Show Regional Club Nominations
To enter your 2023 World Show Nominations please perform the following steps:
Step 1: Click Here to Log into the Regional Club Portal
Step 2: Update your membership list before submitting nominations.
Step 3: Enter your nominations. Click Here view instructions on how to enter your nominations.
Step 4: Submit final nominations no later than September 5, 2023.
Please contact the ApHC performance department at 208.882.5578 Ext 244 with any questions.
Exemplary Club Award
The 2022 Exemplary Club submissions have been scored. We highly encourage every club to take plenty of pictures and document events so your club can participate next year! The ApHC only received four Exemplary Award submissions this year out of 100 active Regional Clubs. Submission of an electronic scrapbook in the form of a PowerPoint is helpful in displaying these achievements and earns you additional points on your score sheet. The ApHC will provide a very simple PowerPoint template to the ApHC Regional Clubs page, that can be filled out, keeping in mind that adhering to the judging criteria is more important than the overall presentation of your club’s scrapbook.
2022 Exemplary Club Winners:
- Keystone ApHC won Frist place with a $500 award. (Click here to view presentation)
- Wissota ApHC won second with a $300 award. (Click here to view presentation)
- Michigan ApHC won third with a $100 award. (Click here to view presentation)
Advertise With Us:
Become a Regional Club:
Regional Club Toolkit
Challenged Horsemen and Appaloosa Competition for Independent & Supported Exhibitors (CHAPS)
SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT APPALOOSAS with free downloadable promotional materials! The Appaloosa Horse Club has a variety of informative brochures, posters, and fliers available for Regional Clubs to print and pass out at events such as trade shows, horse shows, and county fairs. Pre-printed materials are no longer available. Go to the download page by clicking here